

American Rescue Plan Act

The U.S. Department of the Treasury launch of the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds, established by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.  The Act contains $350 billion in emergency funding for eligible state, local, territorial, and Tribal governments. 

Treasury also released details on how these funds can be used to respond to acute pandemic response needs, fill revenue shortfalls among these governments, and support the communities and populations hardest-hit by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The total allocation for the Town of Little Compton is approximately $1 Million, which includes an allocation for both non-entitlement aid to municipalities and county-based aid to municipalities to share. Distribution of funds will occur over the next year. 

  • Non-entitlement Aid to Municipalities - $3 Million
  • County-based Aid to Municipalities share - $5.95 Million


UPDATED: September 14, 2021

A Town Council Public Hearing will be held on September 23, 2021 at 7:30 PM in the Town Hall, Council Chambers, 40 Commons, Little Compton, RI.  Non-profits, outside agencies and citizens may submit potential proposals in written format or submit comments in-person during the public hearing.  Proposals submitted will be considered by the council for potential inclusion of the ARPA funding application. 

When describing a proposal for funding, please provide justification for the funding need by: 

  • identifying the harm caused by Covid-19
  • describing the effect(s) of that harm
  • explaining how the proposed project, initiative, program will respond to the effect of harm.

Anyone seeking funding is encouraged to attend the Public Hearing.

Upon the conclusion of the Public Hearing to consider a spending plan for the ARPA funds the Council will approve of a plan for ARPA funds, whereby the next steps will involve the Council developing a final list of projects for ARP funding.  A date for this is TBD.

This page will be updated as new information becomes available...

Eligible Uses for the American Rescue Plan Act Funds

  1. Broadband- Invest in broadband infrastructure with modern utility in mind. Broadband efforts should aim in improve reliability, accessibility and affordability of internet. 
  2. Community Grants- Assist organizations (non-profit) that serve the needs of vulnerable populations within the community, particularly those heavily impacted by the pandemic. Investments can range from assisting individuals to supporting redevelopment of entire neighborhoods.
  3. Economic Development- Provide aid to small business and industries negatively impacted by COVID-19 and its effects on the local economy.
  4. Organizational Needs- Address needs within Town departments or amongst city essential employees that improve the capabilities of staff to respond to public needs and support employees most susceptible to COVID.
  5. Tourism/Travel Industry- Speed the recovery of tourism, travel, and hospitality sectors that are just beginning to mend
  6. Utility Infrastructure- Make necessary improvements to water and sewer infrastructures, including projects that address the impacts of climate change. Utility investments should aim at improving the reliability and resiliency of the utility system.


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